Finding the 'FERT'

Growing a paddock of grass begins with one seed. FertFinda started life as a simple 'seed' of an idea.

Once upon a time, a farmer asked,

“Where do I find that?”

It was a question the FertFinda team was often asked when talking to farmers and growers. It was asked about all sorts of products that many farmers were unaware of or unfamiliar with.

Let’s face it. The fertiliser world is a complex one made up of two or three big players and lots and lots and lots of smaller independent companies scrapping it out to sell their products to help farmers and growers.

Many of these products work and work well, but finding them, whether through an internet search or talking to others takes time and can be hit and miss.

And then there was the cost. Many companies wrap their product with consultants or ‘experts’ offering advice that farmers simply don’t need or want. These ‘additives’ add considerable expense to the products farmers want access to, continuously increasing costs and eroding margins.

A NEW babe is born!

Welcome to FERTFINDA

"What if there was a marketplace online where all these products could be found and bought by farmers and growers?"

So let us tell you all about FertFinda. With over 25 years of experience in the agricultural sector and working at the cutting edge of fertiliser application technology the FertFinda team has always been at the forefront of efficiency and helping farmers grow more with less.

But there was nowhere to find the many products that farmers could use to help them farm better, grow more with less, and lighten the load on the environment they rely so heavily on to simply do their job and produce the food we all enjoy.

So we started asking another question –

“What if there was one place, one website, that farmers and growers trusted, that could save them time, effort, and money offering them these fantastic products that could help them grow more with fewer inputs?”

And on the supplier side – 

“What if there was one place, one website, that offered suppliers the opportunity to be easily found by the thousands of farmers and growers that could benefit from their products?”

And so, FertFinda was born!

Our Mission

Bring together farmers, growers, and suppliers all working to deliver consumers the best, most environmentally friendly food possible.
Be proud of what we do, and our impact on the world.
And have fun doing it.
It's no corporate gobbledegook, in fact, it drives us daily. So let's break that down a bit!

Bring together farmers, growers, and suppliers all working to deliver consumers the best, most environmentally friendly food possible.

Good food is a staple of life and as the population of the world grows we all know that we need to improve and change our farming and growing practices. 

Fertiliser is the food that plants need, that the soil biology needs, that the entire eco-system that is growing plants needs. There are many different forms and products that are improving growing and environmental outcomes massively.

BUT…. getting them ‘out there’ or ‘finding them’ can be extremely challenging.  

FertFinda was founded on the concept of providing a ‘marketplace’ where buyers and sellers could sell and buy the products they need, reducing the time it takes them to either find their customers or find their products.

Either way, FertFinda is the place for farmers and growers to find the products they would have otherwise had to spend hours finding, and for suppliers to find customers for the products they would normally spend hours finding.

Be proud of what we do, and our impact on the world.

Creating a marketplace to find, sell and buy your fertiliser was one thing. Creating a marketplace that helps farmers and growers grow their businesses, lower their environmental impact, and remain profitable is another.

But we are embracing it. We know the positive impact that thinking progressively about the future can have on businesses, especially farming and we want to help empower farmers and growers to do the same.

There are A LOT of great companies and products available that can help farmers and growers achieve this goal, FertFinda is simply the place to find them.

And, while we were at it, we soon realised that in building a website marketplace we could also offer farmers and growers a better deal through reduced cost (low overheads and no ‘additives’ 🤣) giving them market-leading prices on the products they need.

And have fun doing it.

Simply – If it’s not fun then why bother? So we are having a lot of fun building, developing, and planning for the future with FertFinda. Yours in Fert


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